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The number of the world's billionaires rose more than 20% to 1, 011.
There are now 1, 210 billionaires in the world, up from 1, 011 last year.
After I dialed the number (callers from the United States should dial 011 first;
The country has recorded 1, 211 infections, with 1, 011 in Victoria, the fourth highest number of infections in the world.
According to Forbes, the world has 1, 011 billionaires out of nearly seven billion people, so it's not exactly an everyday occurrence.
6·我们相互拥有探视权,我的朋友说。 她是位母亲,住在电话区号为617的地方,盼望着迎接分别住在区号为415和011地区的子女回家。
We have visitation rights in each other's lives now, say my friend, a mother in 617 who looks forward to greeting the children from 415 and 011.
The tiny Alpine state of Liechtenstein had by far the highest per capita annual income -- $81, 011, 460 times higher than last-placed Zimbabwe on $176.
8·本文首先采用模式匹配法近似地分析了复杂结构介质加载谐振腔te _(011)模的谐振特性。
In this paper, the TE_ (011) mode's resonant characteristics of cavities loaded with complex structure dielectric are analyzed approximately by using the mode match method.
A 2009 study by Canadian researchers, asked this important question using prospective data on 6, 011 men and women from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
The protein content of soybeans except Zhongzuo 011 is lower, the fat content of soybeans except Jihuang 13 and Zaoshu 18 is lightly higher than that of hand-weeding plot in acetochlor treatment.