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1·ETAG 012欧洲技术标准指南-木材框型支架和原木预制安装建筑套件。
ETAG 012 Guideline for European technical approval of Timber frame and log prefabricated building fits.
Emotions tend to spiral out of control, leading to extremes of anxiety, sadness, rage, excitement, etc. 012.
The company will make 2, 012 watches to coincide with the centenary anniversary of the Titanic's sinking in 2012.
4·如果身边有需要帮组的儿童,可下载申请表格,或致电R mhc马来西亚热线012 - 365 7324询问详情。
To recommend a child that needs assistance, please download the application form or contact the RMHC Malaysia Hotline at 012-365 7324.
5·给温度传感器(33)和新封圈(32)的接触面涂上少量普通油脂(材料号04 - 012)。
Apply a small quantity of COMMON GREASE (Material No. 04-012) to the contact faces of the temperature sensor (33) and the new packing (32).
6·擦净温度传感器(33)上多余的普通油脂(材料号04 - 012),并用直径为0.6毫米(0.0236英寸)的不锈钢保险丝打保险。
Wipe clean the excess COMMON GREASE (Material No. 04-012) from the temperature sensor (33) and safety with lockwire corrosion-resistant steel 0.6 mm (0.0236 in.) dia.
7·方法选择青海省、山西省、浙江省各1个县,采用整群抽样的方法,共选取3 012名15 ~ 19岁在校中学生进行问卷调查。
Methods With the method of questionnaire survey, a cluster sample of 3 012 students (aged 15-19) were investigated. They were chosen from Qinghai Province, Shanxi Province and Zhejiang Province.