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They say "It's anachronistic to use these brackets in the . 018 Edgewise era".
2·针对JCS - 018机床出现的故障进行了分析,并介绍了解决对策。
Troubles of JCS-018 machine tool is analysed, the solving methods are introduced.
This article introduces its application in the control of Machining Centre JCS-018.
4·写本文的时候该站点的计数已经超过5 018 584 000,而数字还在继续以每秒大约300的速度增长。
Its count at the time of writing had just passed 5, 018, 584, 000, although it is going up by around 300 a second.
The results were startling: of the 1, 018 products TerraChoice surveyed, all but one failed to live up fully to their green boasts.
6·英国金融时报100指数(FTSE 100)收盘微涨7点,达5018。至纽约午餐时分,道琼斯工业平均指数下跌27点,达9578。
The FTSE 100 index closed with a rise of 7 points to 5, 018 and by lunchtime in New York, the Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 27 points to 9, 578.
Armstrong USA - Sterling silver . 014" head, . 018" silver-plated nickel silver body & C foot, silver-plated French (open hole)keys, "Progressive cut" embouchure hole, in-line G.
8·另一方面,用过胰岛素的非重度精神病人的调整优势比(AOR)为4.1,表明,需要胰岛素的病人死亡率增加了4倍,(P = .018)。
On the other hand, NSMI patients who had been prescribed insulin had an AOR of mortality of 4.1, suggesting that patients who needed insulin had a 4-fold increased risk of death (P = .018).
更新时间:2025-02-22 18:43