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This one has a 30 GB hard disk, 1, 070, 000 pixels and a 3-inch LCD screen.
2·美国明尼苏达州一城市,是明尼阿波利斯市的一个居住郊区。人口4 ',070。
A city of eastern Minnesota, a residential suburb of Minneapolis. Population, 4 ', 070.
Photo 070: The green of glass land and the blue of sea water contrast finely with each other.
The 5, 070-pound (2, 300-kilogram) orbiter relayed communication and photographed the planet in ultraviolet light.
5·薄雾飘来之前,菲茨罗伊峰(Mount Fitz Roy)显露了出来。 它位于阿根廷与智利的边界处,有11070英尺高(3374米)。
Just beyond the mist, Mount Fitz Roy rises to 11, 070 feet (3, 374 meters) at the border between Argentina and Chile.
NFC32-070 Insulated conductors and cables for installation-Classification tests on conductors and cables with regard to fire behaviour.
7·NF C 32-070: 用于安装的绝缘导体和电缆-依据燃烧特点有关导体和电缆分类试验。
NF C 32-070: Insulated conductors and cables for installation-Classification tests on conductors and cables with regard to fire behaviour.
With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 to of Co er Wire as per your Offer Sheet No. 8/070/02B.
9·德克萨斯州亨布尔市(Humble)的夏莱特·威尔金森·巴克纳(Sharlett Wilkinson Buckner)最近把一副旧手镯、一只戒指及一条项链送到她当地的珠宝行,换走了1 070美元。
Sharlett Wilkinson Buckner, of Humble, Texas, recently took an old bracelet, ring and necklace to her local jeweler and walked out with $1, 070.
A city of southwest Norway on inlets of the North Sea. Founded c. 070, it was the largest and most important city of medieval Norway. Population, 207,232.