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We have received your application and now confirm with you that your registration is successful! The reference No. is 094.
Maximum female lifespan increased from 1, 094 days to 1, 245, though males did somewhat less well, going from 1, 078 days to 1, 179.
Salary offers for business administration and management grads are down 8% to $42, 094. And offers for marketing graduates fell 2.1% to $42, 710.
The amount of orbital debris tracked by the US Space Surveillance Network jumped from 9, 949 cataloged objects in December 2006 to 16, 094 in July 2011, the National Research Council said.
The second image from late 2006 shows what appears to be the new Jin-class (Type 094) SSBN moored at the Xiaopingdao Submarine Base south of Dalian, approximately 193 miles north of Qingdao.