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The productivity of small blast furnace is high with a smelting cycle only 1 25 h.
2·目的:观察1,25 -二羟基维生素d3对白血病细胞株hl - 60的分化诱导作用及其分子机制。
AIM To investigate the differentiation induction of 1 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on leukemic cell line HL-60 and its molecular mechanism.
This longer life means that in terms of cooling per gram, sulphur in the stratosphere outdoes the lower-down stuff by about 25 to 1.
4·25%的患者出现耳聋、其中半数在1 - 3个月后恢复某些功能。
Deafness occurs in 25% of patients of whom half recover some function after 1-3 months.
From 1959 to 2008 nationwide, 1, 930 people were killed by lightning, while only 25 died from shark attacks.
Starting at line 25, make the changes shown in Listing 1.
Add a paging control of your choice to the client data table and set the rows per page to be displayed at 1 (Figures 25 and 26).
8·批处理的大部分优势可在 1 到 25 的大小范围内看到。
Most of the benefit of batching is seen in the range 1-25.
Canadian benchmark interest rates were raised by 25 basis points to 1%.
Canada's central bank raised interest rates by 25 basis points to 1%, despite slowing growth in the country. The increase was the third in as many months.
更新时间:2025-03-28 16:58