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1·第一个 DPAR(在上表中作为 DPAR 1 列出)有 4080 个注册用户,1387 个活动用户(34% 活动),并且每天处理大约 7,500,000 个事务(正常上班时间)。
The first DPAR (listed as DPAR 1 in the preceding table) had 4080 registered users, 1387 active users (34 percent active), and performed about 7,500,000 transactions daily (prime time).
A recent survey of 1 million users in 34 countries showed that 62% believed that their work productivity was "much better" due to new technology.
A recent survey of 1 million users in 34 countries showed that 62% believed that their work productivity was “much better” due to new technology.
The smaller countries in the sub-region experienced increased visitor arrivals: Maldives (+1 percent), Nepal (+5 percent) and Sri Lanka (+34 percent).
5·“标普/Case-Shiller”指数跟踪20个城市的房价。 该指数五月份略微上翘,这是其34个月以来的首次上升(图1左)。
The S&P/Case-Shiller index, which tracks home prices in 20 cities, ticked up slightly in May, its first gain in 34 months (see chart 1, left-hand side).
It's 19 years, 34 weeks, 1 day and 59 minutes later, heretofore known as "now." Young Ned has become The Pie Maker.
Rhoades and her colleagues did telephone surveys with more than 1, 000 married men and women between the ages of 18 and 34, who had been married 10 years or fewer.
The Standard &Poor’s 500 Index dropped 0.3 percent to 1, 117.62 at 9:34 a.m. in New York after sliding 1.4 percent yesterday.
BBC Radio 1's Newsbeat asked 25,000 people, mostly aged 17 to 34, how they felt about their bodies.
BBC Radio 1's Newsbeat asked 25, 000 people, mostly aged 17 to 34, how they felt about their bodies.
更新时间:2025-03-26 04:22