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Answers: 1 5 cents, 2 5 minutes, 3 47 days.
2·从 Domino 到 CM(步骤 1-5)的吞吐量。
The throughput from Domino into CM (steps 1-5).
3·具代表性的是,一位投资者能向另一位投资者以每股低于现行价1 - 5%的价格抛售其股份以避免对冲基金。
Typically, an investor can sell a stake for 1-5% less than its current value to another investor in order to leave a hedge fund.
These mechanisms enable an it architect and business analyst to address asynchronous requirements 1, 5, and 6 in the list above.
Finally, the load information shows the maximum CPU load for 1, 5, and 15 minutes that should be reported.
6·如果你为每个元素使用20个描述,你的尺度应该是1 - 5。
If you used 20 statements for each element, your scale would be 1-5.
7·现在,我们就得到了一个整数序列,其中的第一个元素是元素1 - 5的乘积,第二个元素是元素2 - 6的乘积,以此类推。
Now we have a sequence of integers, where the first element is the product of elements 1-5, the second element is the product of elements 2-6, etc.
8·正如我在注释中指出的,清单1中的第一块代码(第1 - 5行)处理对输入流的语法分析,以构建文档表示。
As I indicate in the comments, the first block of code (lines 1-5) in Listing 1 handles parsing an input stream to build a document representation.
The columns are also numbered 1-5, and represent the same modules, respectively.
10·你可以通过拖拽各种信息片段的方式来创建你自己的报告,如图1 - 5所示。
You can drag and drop different pieces of information to create your own reports, as shown in Figure 1-5.
更新时间:2025-03-27 23:51