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1·清单4的输出为1 8 4。
The output from Listing 4 is 1 8 4.
2·在同一试验条件下异型螺旋翅片管的冷凝和沸腾传热性能是螺旋翅片管的1.8倍和2 . 0倍。
In the same test condition, the thermal conductivity on evaporation and cooling of shaped grooved cooper tubes are 1 8 and 2 0 times as much as that of grooved copper tubes.
The game was a blowout, 8–1.
—— 《牛津词典》
There will be no Kids' Club on November 1 and November 8.
The axle connects to the outer arms of the Wheel, which begin to rotate at a speed of 1/8 of a revolution per minute.
To get the full benefit out of cooking in copper, the metal must be 1/8 inch thick and the handle should be of heavy iron.
Day 1 – 8 bags to Goodwill, 5 bags to recycling, 8 boxes to the consignment shop, and 1 bag to the landfill.
Marines with Battalion 1/8 kick back in the transit tent of Forward Operating Base Edinburgh.
I then looked at the average click through rate in each position from 1-8 (in increments of 0.1), for each keyword Quality Score.
10·基督信实的一生和他所讲的道经历了时间的考验,并将最终胜过所有其他的信仰(启示录21:1 - 8)。
The historic truth of Christ's life and message has stood the test of time and will ultimately triumph over all other beliefs (Revelation 21:1-8).
更新时间:2025-03-26 07:45