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1·目的调查10 ~ 12岁小学生牙列发育和一般生长发育状况,探讨两者的联系以及钙制剂对牙列发育和生长发育的影响。
Objects To investigate the relationship between dentition development and general growth and the effect of calcium on dentition growth and general growth by survey on pupils of 10 12 years old.
Each course comprises 10-12 informal weekly meetings.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
Children need 10-12 hours of sleep a day.
These days, it is not unusual for 10-to 12-year-olds to publish their own websites or for second and third graders to begin computer classes.
Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo.
6·举个例子,如果你每天都工作10 - 12小时,设置一个每天8小时的时间限制,并且坚持执行。
If you work 10-12 hour days, for example, set a limit of 8 hours per day, and stick to it.
This time around, pollsters expect the youth vote to be a smaller share of the overall electorate, perhaps 10%-12%, roughly in keeping with the 2006 election.
8·一些人认识可开发的土地只占当前总数的10 - 12%,低于30%。
Some put available virgin land at only 10-12% of the current total, not over 30%.
9·双语宝宝显示为不同的模式。6 - 9个月大的时候,他们不呈现失配响应,但是到了10 - 12个月大的时候,他们对两种语言都失配。
Bilingual babies showed a different pattern. At 6-9 months, bilinguals did not show the mismatch response, but at 10-12 months they showed the mismatch for both sounds.
10·但是10 - 12个月大的单语宝宝只对英语的对比音有响应。
But at 10-12 months of age, monolingual babies only responded to the English contrasting sound.
更新时间:2025-03-28 00:59