one thousand and three


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Look at line 1003; it's on page 113 in the Hughes.
Got to the top finally, 1003 meter high, Baiyunzhang, we conquered you!
3·仓鼠有一对不竭生长的门牙,三对臼齿,齿型为:1 0 0 3,成交错摆列的三棱体。
Hamster has a pair of continuously growing incisors, three molar, tooth type : 1003, into a staggered triangular body.
4·在这些参与者中随机选出1003 名做为样本,调查其个人和临床情况,其中包括所有恶性肿瘤史。
A randomly selected sample of 1003 of these participants were interiewed about personal and clinical parameters, including any history of malignancy.
A randomly selected sample of 1003 of these participants were interviewed about personal and clinical parameters, including any history of malignancy.
6·用两年剩下他在白宫任职期间,根据调查结果,受访者只有30 1003谁仍然承认布什性能%。
With 2 years remaining of his term in the White House, according to the poll only 30% of 1003 respondents who were still recognize the performance of Bush.
7·本文分析经外科治疗的1003例甲状腺单发结节,认为:1 .甲状腺单发结节中甲状腺癌的发生率较高。
This article analyzes the 1003 thyroid single node cases treated surgically, concluding: 1. Theoccurence ratio of thyroid cancer is high in thyroid single node.
8·scanf系列函数具有一个最大宽度值,至少IEEE Standard 1003 - 2001清楚地规定这些函数一定不能读取超过最大宽度的数据。
The scanf family of functions has a maximum width value, and at least the IEEE Standard 1003-2001 clearly states that these functions must not read more than the maximum width.
9·关于德国水暖产品进口代理报关商检清关总部办公地址更改通知:从1102-1103-1605室迁至1003 - 1006室!
Plumbing products on the German import customs inspection clearance agency headquarters office change of address notification: 1102-1103-1605 room moved from the 1003-1006 room!
In this study, 1003 core samples were collected, found 557 fossils of ostracods, identified the 15 fossil assemblage, the measured carbon and oxygen isotopes 252, and 189 trace element ratio data.
更新时间:2025-03-26 04:22