one thousand and five


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As you know the price of USD 1005 is for 1000mt.
Very well. Sir. Here is your room card to room 1005.
At approximately 1005 hours the F-8 pilot was unable to control his closure rate.
Will to power 1005 says that Schopenhauer, quote: did not understand how to deify the will.
The survey was completed on the basis of combining stratified sampling and random sampling, collecting 1005 valid samples in total.
6·因此如果某DC的USN在上午11:00时为1000,而在上午11:30时为1005,您就会知道已在该DC上对Active Directory数据库进行了5次更改。
So if a DC has a USN of 1000 at 11:00 a.m., and 1005 at 11:30 a.m., you know that 5 changes have been made to the Active Directory database on that DC.
7·老实说,我们都希望一切顺利,但我只是一个推销员,我能做的就是最好的,试图说服我们的经理提供1005美元的价格与您5 MT。
Honestly, both of us hope everything goes well, but I just a salesman, the best I can do is to try to convince our manager to offer the price of USD 1005 for 5mt with you.
System error code 1005 means "the volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted."
The aim of INQUA project 1005 is to assemble experienced and young loess researchers to study loess in Poland and western Ukraine and to apply advanced and comparable methods in joint research.
更新时间:2025-03-10 11:15