one thousand and eleven


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1·如阁下对本会有任何意见,欢迎电邮至或致电2526 - 1011查询。
If you have any queries please email or call our hotline at 2526-1011.
College courses aren't all "Econ 1011" and "The History of Europe: 1500-present".
System error code 1011 means "The configuration registry key could not be opened."
He rented a big house from Uncle Raymond at 1011 Park Avenue, in the east end of town.
5·在1980年,沙特阿拉伯l - 1011航班有301遇难,其原因是飞机在利雅得飞机场做紧急降落失控。
In 1980, 301 people aboard a Saudi Arabian L-1011 died as the jetliner made a fiery emergency landing at the Riyadh airport.
6·一架开往卡拉奇的沙特l - 1011飞机在刚刚起飞后机舱内起火,只得返回沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得。
Saudia L-1011 bound for Karachi returns to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, following an in-flight fire that broke out just after departure.
7·一架开往卡拉奇的沙特l - 1011飞机在刚刚起飞后机舱内起火,只得返回沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得。
A Saudia L-1011 bound for Karachi returns to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, following an in-flight fire that broke out just after departure.
When it came to end-use energy consumption, a high-speed rail train with 1011 passengers was equivalent to a car with five passengers.
9·机器语言中的一条典型的指令可能是10010 1100 1011,意思是将存储寄存器a的内容加到存储寄存器b的内容中。
A typical instruction in a machine language might read 10010 1100 1011 and mean add the contents of storage register a to the contents of storage register B.
Magnetic fields contained within these objects have been registered to a strength of 1011 Tesla, a billion times stronger than the strongest magnetic field that can be generated on Earth.
更新时间:2025-03-14 19:32