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A depiction of the rising sun. Papyrus of Nodjmet, c. 1050 BC.
Aluminum core is 1050 pure series with excellent heat conductivity.
3·要构建此文件,请先执行 ./animation 1400 1050 0,然后再执行 make 命令。
To build this file, execute the make command, followed by ./animation 1400 1050 0.
China has introduced 1050 technical projects from EU members with a total value of 4.4 billion USD.
5·我将开始的话,浮现在古英语(公元500 - 1050),尽管许多人甚至老年人的根源。
I shall begin with the words that appear in old English (500-1050 AD), although many have even older roots.
The temples at Khajuraho were built during the Chandella dynasty, which reached its apogee between 950 and 1050.
7·该导的一些话,走进语言在中古英语时期( 1450至50年) ,或更高版本,相当有趣儿。
The derivations of some words that came into the language in the Middle English period (1050-1450), or later, are quite amusing.
Objective To investigate antibiotic sensitivity test of 1050 cases sputum cultivate and 701 bacteriums. and direct clinic practise.
9·东周时期(公元前770 - 221)玉刀配件都是一个传统,在以后的西周(公元前1050 - 771)开始的一部分。
Jade sword fittings of the Eastern Zhou period (770-221 BC) were part of a tradition that began in the later Western Zhou (1050-771 BC).
However, a number of examples exist, among the most interesting of which is a crouching deer from a tomb dating to the Shang dynasty (about 1500-1050 BC).