one thousand and fifty-two


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1·方法按全国口腔流行病学调查标准,对10 5 2名外来儿童的龋病进行调查。
Methods A survey of caries was performed in 1052 non native children according to the Criteria for National Oral Epidermiologic Survey.
And then in will to power 1052 the note says that in the Dionysian state, quote: being is characterized as holding enough to justify even a monstrous amount of suffering.
Tested and approved in conformance with Standard 1052 of the American Society of Sanitary Engineers and by all principal cities, states, and areas having these requirements.
To cite another sad example: in southern France a group of Albigensian vegetarians (a Cartharist religious group) were put to death by hanging in 1052 because they refused to kill a chicken!
更新时间:2025-04-01 05:15