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1·ISO 10646 UCS - 2就是指unicode(并且两者相同)。
ISO 10646 USC-2 is commonly referred to as (and is identical to) Unicode.
2·BMP被用作双字节的编码字符集,这种编码字符集确定为ISO 10646 UCS - 2格式。
The BMP is used as a two-octet coded character set identified as the UCS-2 form of ISO 10646.
3·UCS是ISO 10646标准定义的所有已知字符集编码的多字节(31位)超集。
UCS is the multibyte (31-bit) superset of all known set encodings defined by the ISO 10646 standard.
4·Unicode CCS 3.1的官方称谓是ISO 10646 - 1通用多八字节编码字符集(Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set, UCS)。
The Unicode CCS 3.1 is officially known as the ISO 10646-1 Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set (UCS).
5·glibc 库支持 locale,并且如您所看到的,可以使用 ISO 标准 10646 来显示和编辑 UTF-8。
The glibc library supports locales and, as you have seen, uses the ISO standard 10646 to make UTF-8 display and editing functions possible.
6·符合规范的用户代理必须可以正确地将ISO 10646映射成它们可识别的字符编码(或者它们要表现的至少看起来是正确的)。
Conforming user agents must correctly map to ISO 10646 all characters in any character encodings that they recognize (or they must behave as if they did).
7·在正式情况下,从GNU glibc 2.2开始,wchar _ t类型只为32位的ISO 10646格式数值所特定使用,与当前使用的语言环境无关。
Officially, starting with GNU glibc 2.2, the type wchar_t is intended to be used only for 32-bit ISO 10646 values, independent of the currently used locale.
8·发布关于ISO/IEC 10646 字符编码标准的参考资料、最新动态及技术详情,以及有关软件和数据的下载。
Description: Provides reference information of the ISO/IEC 10646 character encoding standard and related activities, technical details of ISO/IEC 10646, and downloads of related data and software.
更新时间:2025-03-29 10:49