one thousand and eighty-two


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1·方法运用SCL - 90和《应付方式问卷》对从西南地区9所高校随机抽取的1082名毕业前的大学生进行了测查。
Methods SCL-90 and Coping Styles Scale were investigated 1082 pre-graduation university students that came from nine universities of southwest area.
Of these patients, 1082 were assigned to routine PCI and stenting with optimal medical therapy, and 1084 were assigned to optimal medical therapy alone.
3·在宋徽宗的体裁的兴盛(1082 - 1135),他本人就是一个艺术家,在书法和传统绘画表现出色,尤其是精美的花鸟画。
The genre flourished under Emperor Huizong (1082-1135), who was an artist himself and excelled at both calligraphy and traditional painting, especially paintings of exquisite flowers and birds.
更新时间:2025-03-10 17:34