one thousand and ninety


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1·大部分汉堡含有1090 mg的钠盐!
Most burgers contain 1090 mg of sodium!
With an area of 1090 square kilometers, Lake Paijanne is Finland's second biggest.
3·(我最近某个下午查看此数据时,旧金山到西雅图(距离为 1090 公里)的延迟为 23 毫秒)。
(When I looked one recent afternoon, the latency for San Francisco to Seattle, a distance of 1090 KM, was 23 ms).
4·在这些设置,这些工作模式所有测量有关在亮度相同的,测量1090,1078和1055 ANSI流明分别。
At these Settings, these operating modes all measured about the same in brightness, measuring 1090, 1078, and 1055 ANSI lumens respectively.
The Reverse IFF system allows an aircraft providing close-air support (CAS) to interrogate a target area using its existing IFF transponder at 1090 MHz rather than the standard 1030 MHz.
更新时间:2025-03-10 18:19