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I'll switch you to Room 1120.
2·使用Tax 1120 XML数据创建可视指示板。
To create a Visual Dashboard with the Tax 1120 XML data.
3·步骤 3: 构建显示 IRS e-File Form 1120 XML 消息的 XForms
Step 3: Build XForms that display IRS e-File Form 1120 XML messages
4·本场景中使用的行业包是为IRS e - File Form 1120创建的。
The industry bundle used in this scenario is the one created for the IRS e-File Form 1120.
1120 - Wreck of the White Ship in the English Channel, drowning William Adelin, son of Henry I of England.
6·本节演示如何利用 XFG 生成用于 IRS e-File 1120 消息格式的 XML 表单。
This section illustrates how to generate XML forms for the IRS e-File 1120 message format utilizing the XFG.
7·如果该消息显示了不同的信息,请参阅IRS e - File 1120下载中的readme文件。
If the message indicates anything different, consult the readme file included in the IRS e-File 1120 download.
8·本文基于IRS e - File 1120下载,它是IRS Tax Form 1120的电子版。
This article is based on the IRS e-File 1120 download, which is the electronic version of the IRS Tax Form 1120.
9·使用XML Forms Generator (XFG)创建一个用户界面,以便查看和操作IRS e - File 1120 XML文档。
Creating a user interface using the XML Forms Generator (XFG) for viewing and manipulating IRS e-File 1120 XML documents.
Svalbard is a group of islands nearly a thousand kilometres north of mainland Norway and about 1120 km from the north Pole.