one thousand one hundred and twenty-five


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Issue 1125: Net panel not working as expected (1.2.0).
2·北京豆汁儿的历史可追溯到辽代(公元907 - 1125年)。
Beijing Douzhir dates back to as early as the Liao Dynasty (907-1125).
Nearby there is a giant gingko tree also dating back to the Liao Dynasty (916-1125).
Results: Complete biochemical data and a definite diagnosis were obtained in 1125 consecutive patients.
Whether the flowers of Rosa rugosa Thunb treated with 1125 were dry or fresh, the optimal period was the flower bud stage.
6·辽是这个地方的古名,公元907 - 1125年成为辽朝(契丹帝国)的属地,因此而得名。
Liao is an ancient name for this region, which was adopted by the Liao Dynasty (Khitan Empire) which ruled this area between 907 and 1125.
7·1928年张钰哲在芝加哥学习时发现了一颗新星,临时将其命名为1928 UF,后来编号为1125。
While studying in Chicago, in 1928 he discovered an asteroid, which was given the provisional designation 1928 UF and later the number 1125.
8·我们对霸王龙化石(标本mor 1125)脱矿质后残留的纤维皮质和髓质组织进行了复杂的分析。
We performed multiple analyses of Tyrannosaurus rex (specimen MOR 1125) fibrous cortical and medullary tissues remaining after demineralization.
9·探讨了莞城地区幼儿园3~ 7岁儿童血锌、铁、钙值与饮食习惯、身高、体重、易感染情况的关系,以便进一步指导喂养。
The relationship between blood Zn, Fe, Ca and dietary habits and growth of 1125 children of 3~7 year old in urban district of Dongguan city was studied.
The yield of Lu 18S/1125 was significantly higher than that of restorer line, and no significant differences between other two combinations and restorer line were observed.
更新时间:2025-03-29 18:54