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Country area: 1130 (1000 Ha).
Then, starting around A.D. 1130, a prolonged drought set in.
In addition to FORTRAN, the 1130 could be programmed using APL and RPG.
Method: a questionnaire survey was carried out among 1130 cases in public.
5·很高兴接到贵公司编号1130 - 1的订单,并确认予以接受。夔。
We are pleased to receive your Order No. 1130-1 and confirm acceptance of it.
6·很高兴接到贵公司编号1130 - 1的订单,并确认予以接受。
We are pleased to receive your order no. 1130-1 and confirm acceptance of it.
7·IBM 1130 系统是一款专注于低成本市场的流行计算系统。
The IBM 1130 system was a popular computing system that focused on lower-cost markets.
8·IBM 1130系统的其中一个有趣的方面是对其他语言的支持。
One of the interesting aspects of the IBM 1130 system was its support for alternative languages.
9·让我们从维护1130的站点获得LISP解释器开始,其网址为ibm 1130.org(请参考清单2)。
Let's begin by getting the LISP interpreter from the site that maintains the 1130, ibm1130.org (see Listing 2).
With the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) as an instrument 1130 school students were measured by questionnaires.