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1·你抱怨?你仍然正在以$1140 或1170 使感觉不满?
You complain? You are still dissatisfying with $1140 or 1170?
2·波兰- PFSA,波兰金融监管局。UWC已通过该监管局核准,请点此查看47页编号1140。
Poland - PFSA, Polish Financial Supervision Authority. To see UWC enlisted, click here and find us at no 1140 on p. 47.
3·高信噪比的远程麦克风,类似于FOM 1140,用于低噪音信号水平和远距离的运用。
High signal to noise ratios (SNR) long range microphone, similar to the FOM 1140, intended for operation at low acoustic signal levels and over long distances.
The paper introduces the working principle, control, protection and related performance of QJZ—400/1140(660) mine flameproof and intrinsically safe vacuum electromagnetic starter.