one thousand three hundred and twenty


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Its 1320 mAh lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 4.2 hours of talk time, and up to 336 hours (14 days) of standby time.
2·公司现有职工1320 名,其中专业技术人员150余名,工程师以上职称的57名。
The company has 1320 employees, of which more than 150 professional and technical personnel, and engineers for more than 57 titles.
This paper studied the skeletal age of 1320 infants and adolescents of 3 months to 17 years (including 660 males, 660 females) in Lanzhou City.
4·DPAR 2有4001个注册用户,1320个活动用户(33%活动),并且每天正常工作时间处理大约7,000,000个事务。
DPAR 2 had 4001 registered users, 1320 active users (33 percent active), and performed an average of about 7,000,000 daily prime time transactions.
Yong Xing YX-1320-type device is coal dual incubation, hatching hatching one, pairs of dual-temperature control, and satisfied with the high-level purification plate.
6·研究人员估计,仅在美国东北地区,如果少掉一百万支蝙蝠,就可能导致蝙蝠每年大约少吃掉昆虫660 ~ 1320公吨。
Researchers estimate that the loss of one million bats in the Northeast alone has probably resulted in between 660 and 1320 metric tons fewer insects being eaten by bats each year.
更新时间:2025-02-23 10:04