one thousand three hundred and thirty-nine


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1·第二座教堂(Surb Astvatsatsin)建造于1339年,这座教堂有两层,装饰有许多具有更好艺术价值的浮雕。
The second church (Surb Astvatsatsin) was built in 1339. It has two floors and is decorated with highly artistic reliefs.
2·目的与行为的解释与预测:我们做得如何?应用社会心理学杂志, 28, 1318–1339。
Sutton, S. (1998). Explaining and predicting intentions and behavior: How well are we doing? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 1318–1339.
In the current analysis, the urinary ACR was assessed in a core laboratory in 2977 patients at baseline and in 1339 patients at follow-up (mean 34 months).
4·这个黑子群的磁场活动首先被卫星发现,编号为活跃区1339 (AR 1339)。当时它刚开始沿太阳西北边缘移动。
Dubbed Active Region 1339, the cluster of magnetic activity was first spotted by satellites as it started making its way around the sun's northwestern edge.
Methods:According to the Quality Evaluation Questionnaire for the Construction and Design made by our work team, we evaluated the qualities of 1339 documents from 2006 to 2008.
更新时间:2025-03-10 10:45