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'Cambridge 1379,' Jackie said.
2·下面是sqlcode + 1379的一个例子。
Here is an example of sqlcode + 1379.
Belgians, said: as early as 1379, the CARDS appeared in Belgium.
4·现在在第1379行,在载入shadow dynamics文件后启用一些用户反馈。
Now enable some user feedback based on the loading of the shadow dynamics file at line 1379.
Akhenaten, who ruled Egypt between 1379 and 1362 BC, built and lived in Tell el-Amarna in central Egypt for 15 years.
6·一三七九年, 有英格兰舰队满载武士, 由约翰. 阿伦德尔爵士率领, 出发赴法国不塔尼, 途中遇上风暴。
In 1379, when a fleet of English knights under Sir John Arundel was on its way to Brittany, France, it was overtaken by a storm.
7·如果有更多的表要重分发,但是由于STOP AT时间限制重分发被停止,那么该命令返回sqlcode + 1379。
If there are more tables to redistribute, but the redistribute was stopped due to the stop AT time constraint, the command returns sqlcode + 1379.
Oxford University still has a “New College” which was a good label in 1379 to distinguish it from existing bits of the university. It seems a bit quaint now.