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It was also the first day back for the principal, Hulond Humphries, a white man who was reinstated by a 4-to-2 vote of the school board after being suspended on March 14.
Figure 14 shows a comparison of the netserver scalability tests when using 2 adapters (1 on each of the first 2 nodes) and 4 adapters (1 on each of all 4 nodes) with and without bonding.
One group had no financial motivation and lost an average of 4 pounds in 16 weeks. The other two groups had financial motivation, and lost three times more weight - an average of about 13-14 pounds.
The stone blocks, carved into head-and-torso figures, average 13 feet (4 meters) tall and 14 tons.
Pigs are infectious during the incubation period, which lasts from 4 to 14 days.
6·多年来,赫巴克一家已经接待了4 800多个孩子,大多数都在6至14岁之间。
Over the years, the Hubachs have played host to over 4, 800 kids, mostly 6 - to 14-year-olds.
The man became symptomatic on 4 July 2007, was admitted to hospital on 7 July and died on 14 July.
There's no straight guy in the world who knows the difference between a size 14 and a size 4.
9·被具传染性的叮咬之后3 - 14天出现症状(平均4 - 7天)。
Symptoms appear in 3-14 days (average 4-7 days) after the infective bite.
10·在图4中,标有字母a的框中的内容片段是由节点系统使用node - an nouncement . tpl . php模板(见清单14)构建的,用来建立公告数据的结构。
In Figure 4, the box marked a Outlines the content fragment built by the node system using the node-announcement.tpl.php template (described in Listing 14) to structure the announcement data.
更新时间:2025-03-26 07:45