one thousand four hundred and thirteen


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Results: 1413 patients (representing 2121 diagnoses) were included in the study.
Founded in 1413 we are the third oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of the most popular in the UK.
3·时间。 地点。 人物-2008 中德当代艺术展, 上海淮海中路1413 号,上海徐汇艺术馆。
Time . Place . Person-2008 Chinese & German Contemporary Art Exhibition, No. 1413 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum.
The second Domino partition (DPAR2) had 1413 registered users, 537 active users (38 percent), and averaged about 2,300,000 daily prime time transactions.
5·紫霄宫 :建于明永乐十一年(公元1413年),原建宫殿、廊庑、斋堂、亭台等860多间, 赐额“太元紫霄宫”。
Zixiao Gong: 11 Ming Yongle (AD 1413), the original palace building, the Gallery veranda, Zhaitang, pavilions and so on more than 860 years, thanks to the amount of "too Zixiao Gong Yuan."
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:21