one thousand four hundred and fourteen


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1·苏:门罗市枫树东路1414 号。
SUE: 1414 East Maple Road. Monroe.
Port (shows default of queue manager) : 1414.
3·Port:通常为 1414
Port: usually 1414
4·在对话框中,在“ Listen on port number ”域中输入1414。
In the dialog box, enter 1414 for the "Listen on port number" field.
Adopt Aramid 1313, 1414 or other high temperature resistant fiber to make.
6·如果您省略了port值,就会使用默认的WebSphere mq端口号1414。
If you omit the port value the default WebSphere MQ port number of 1414 is used.
7·WebSphere MQ 提供名为 runmqlsr 的可执行文件,在缺省情况下,它侦听端口 1414。
WebSphere MQ provides an executable called runmqlsr which, by default, listens on port 1414.
8·我们的第一件拍卖品是一位著名的天文学家在 1414 年绘制的星球地图册真迹。
Our first item is an authentic atlas of the stars drawn by a famous astronomer in the year 1414.
9·可能必须更改这些参数,以与您的 Message Broker 安装匹配(Queue Manager name 设置为 QM1,Listener port 设置为 1414)。
These parameters may have to be changed to match your Message Broker installation (Queue Manager name is set to QM1 and Listener port set to 1414).
10·该命令创建了一个QueueConnectionFactory,它通过端口1414和通道ssl . SVRCONN使用机器本地主机上的客户机(基于网络的)传输来访问队列管理器SSLQMGR。
This command creates a QueueConnectionFactory that accesses the queue manager, SSLQMGR, using the client (network-based) transport on a machine localhost via port 1414 and channel SSL.SVRCONN.
更新时间:2025-03-10 20:02