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1·清单5 . pid 1508和1509的结构体thread_info的输出。
Listing 5. Output of struct thread_info for pids 1508 and 1509.
When the Portuguest fled Malacca in 1509, they left behind twenty men who were taken prisoners.
Erasmus on his second visit to England, remained for five years (1509-14), partly in London, partly at Cambridge.
Methods A testing, using self-rating scale SCL-90, was conducted among 1509 freshmen of 2004 in Ningxia Medical college.
5·加尔文主义- - -法国新教改革者约翰·加尔文(1509 - 1564)的严格的理论学说,也是清教教派的基础。
Calvinism — Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.
From 1485 to 1509 he ruled England, a usurper-king steadily tightening his grip and casting his net for money, intent on establishing his Tudor dynasty firmly on the throne.
Henry VIII (rule 1509-1547 A.D.) : England prospered in the 16th century, and as a result, it became increasingly difficult to tell the merchants from the middle class from the nobility.
From then on the reader, too, is alert for him, doffing his robe to dance, dominating the tiltyard, until in 1509 he throws the Windows open and sweeps his father's miserly dreariness away.
更新时间:2025-03-09 09:33