one thousand five hundred and twenty-five


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1·《美国医学会杂志》303:1517 - 1525。
Journal of the American Medical Association, 2010, 303:1517-1525.
Reinhard: Machu Picchu was probably abandoned or began to be abandoned already before the Spanish came, and that's because around 1525 there was a civil war.
We may also find out that Luther's point of view of the church and the state did not come out until the Peasants' War in the year 1525 from the related treatises.
4·通过对机械部件、水气管路、电气及热工控制系统等几个方面进行改造和调整,将原来用于斜交轮胎硫化生产的LLB 152 5型轮胎双模定型硫化机用于全钢子午线轮胎的硫化。
The LLB 1525 double bias tire press was transformed into the all steel radial tire press by modifying its mechanical parts, water and steam pipelines, electrical and heating control systems.
更新时间:2025-03-09 21:58