one thousand five hundred and twenty-seven


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1·Derby Net work Server运行在默认端口1527上。
The Derby Network Server runs on the default port of 1527.
The Derby server starts and listens at the default port 1527.
If the network server is running on port 1527, the test should be successful.
Though there is a more modern 1527, and no classic 1527 in Patek's historical records.
During the sack of Rome in 1527, Parmigianino's studio was broken into by German soldiers.
6·打开db 2 cmd窗口并编目cns节点,以访问localhost、端口1527,如下所示。
Open a db2cmd window and catalog the CNS node to access localhost on port 1527, as shown below.
7·localhost:1527/"C:\Temp\Demo\Data;create=true;user=Mary;password=contrary" 将在本地主机上建立到 Cloudscape 网络服务器的远程连接,监听端口 1527。
will establish a remote connection to a Cloudscape network server on the local host, listening on port 1527.
8·上述命令将使用默认选项启动Derby Net work Server:主机是' localhost ',端口是' 1527 '。
The command above starts the Derby Network Server with the default options: host is' localhost ', port is' 1527 '.
S&P 500 hit an all time high of 1527 in March 2000, and DJIA’s recent high was achieved in January 2002, where it closed at 11,723.
The alternatively spliced transcripts consist of 14, 15, or 16 exons, and all of them encode a putative protein of 1527 amino acids.
更新时间:2025-03-26 18:00