one thousand five hundred and fifty-three


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Construction on Crathes Castle, near Aberdeen, began in 1553 and lasted 43 years.
2·本文具体介绍了光纤通道对MIL - STD - 1553的兼容与系统综合。
This paper introduces its compatibility and integration with MIL-STD-1553 in detail.
3·英格兰与爱尔兰国王(1547 - 1553年),亨利八世和简·西摩的儿子,死于肺结核。
King of England and Ireland (1547-1553). The son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, he died of tuberculosis.
4·爱德华六世:英格兰与爱尔兰国王(1547 - 1553年),亨利八世和简·西摩的儿子,死于肺结核。
King of England and Ireland (1547-1553). The son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, he died of tuberculosis.
5·最后,在研究EP - H31580 1553总线芯片的基本功能和读写时序的基础上,完成了1553总线模块的硬件设计。
At last, 1553 bus circuit design has been finished on the basis of studying the basic function and timing of 1553 chip EP-H31580.
The research and implementation about intelligent serial and 1553 bus expansion, which is on the basis of DSP embedded system, is presented in this thesis.
7·通过对美国军用标准MIL-STD-1553 B总线协议在高速数据通讯中受到限制的分析,提出了现实解决办法。
The research puts forward the methods of solving the problems by analyzing the limitations which MIL-STD-1553 B data bus protocol possesses in high speed data communication.
8·这三种类型的测试将全面验证MIL - STD - 1553通信终端的设计是否满足MIL - STD - 1553标准通信协议及航空电子系统通信协议的要求。
The three kinds of tests will perform an overall test on the MIN-STD-1553 terminal to verify if they meet the requirements of MIL-STD-1553 standard and avionics system communication protocols.
更新时间:2025-03-10 10:18