one thousand five hundred and eighty


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And gutty 1580 yuan of bullion roses, become this year one of burgeoning commodity of Valentine's Day market.
This ExcerptaRiccardi manuscript has been dated around 1580, and therefore the anecdote is probably apocryphal.
3·本书电子版(CD) 1580美金,电子版查询检索方便,数据可以导出生成EXCEL表格!
Book electronic version (CD) 1580 U. S. dollars, to facilitate electronic retrieval query, the data can be exported generate EXCEL form!
The testing results showed that the properties of BOSB could meet the requirements of the Forestry Industrial Standard LY/T 1580-2000 for OSB/3 in grade one.
Archbishop James Usher (1580 1656) published Annales Veteris et Novi Testaments in 1654, which suggested that the Heaven and the Earth were created in 4004 B.C..
In the 1580 version, we see Helena sleeping, wearing 16th century clothes (note: Helena lived from 250 to 330 a.c.), with a cloth and a veil, secured by her crown.
Knowing that a prestigious post would aid him toward these ends, in 1580 he applied, through his uncle, for a post at court. It's a pity that his application failed.
8·河流名称的意思是“银之河”。 而当地的商人发家致富的手段并不是靠矿石,而是靠出售牛肉,谷物,以及生长在周围草原上的农作物。
The city was established in 1580 on the Rio de la Plata, or "river of silver, " and its merchants grew rich not from ore but from trading beef, grain, and produce grown on the surrounding Pampas.
更新时间:2025-03-09 21:24