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By 1592 London was hearing the name William Shakespeare again and again.
Caccini made at least one further trip to Rome, in 1592, as the secretary to Count Bardi.
1592 - at the Battle of Busan, the outnumbered Korean navy defeats a larger Japanese army.
November 1, 1592, at the Battle of Busan, the outnumbered Korean navy defeats a larger Japanese army.
5·本文研究了卡林顿自转周1591 - 1592中冕流偏振亮度的变化。
The variation of the polarization brightness of coronal streamer in Carrington Rotations 1591-1592 is investigated.
6·第一段缺失时期从1578年到1582年莎士比亚结婚; 第二段时期则从1582年一直到1592年。
The first period of missing years is from 1578 to 1582 when Shakespeare was married, and the second stretched from 1582 to 1592.
7·Sarah Fecht报道说威尼斯最神圣的救世主教堂从1592年开始每年举行一次音乐庆典。
Sarah Fecht reports Venice's Church of the Most Holy Redeemer has held a musical celebration every year since its construction in 1592.
Davys, also Davis: English navigator who explored the arctic while searching for the Northwest Passage and later sailed to the South Seas. He discovered the Falkland Islands in 1592.