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IN 1598, the Iranian emperor, ShahAbbas, moved his capital to Isfahan.
By 1598, it became necessary for the group to build their own theater.
By 1598, his name had become a selling point and began to appear on the title pages.
4·最早收录这个词语的词典是约翰·弗洛里奥的意英词典A Worlde of Wordes(《单词的世界》,1598)。
The earliest dictionary to record the word is John Florio's Italian- English dictionary, "A Worlde of Wordes" (1598).
5·1598年时,第一次有记载将拉丁希腊语中的单词用于英语中,是在《英诗的技巧》(The Arte of English Poesie)上。
In 1598 the document to first offer up this Latin Greek word for English use was something called The Arte of English Poesie.
6·1616年出版的本·琼森剧作集中的演员表里就有莎士比亚的名字,如1598年的《个性互异(英语:Every Man in His Humour)》和1603年的《西姜努斯(英语:Sejanus)》。
The 1616 edition of Ben Jonson's Works names him on the cast lists for Every Man in His Humour (1598) and Sejanus His Fall (1603).
The first time “awesome” appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary, in 1598, it was a description for someone feeling awe, rather than someone inspiring it.
It was built around 1598 in London using timber from an earlier theater and was jointly owned by members of the theatrical company to which Shakespeare belonged.
9·乔·劳伦佐·贝尼尼(1598 - 1680)被公认为是17世纪最伟大的雕塑家。在教皇亚历山大七世的授意下,贝尼尼于1656年至1667年间,重新设计了梵蒂冈教堂前的广场。
The man who most consider the greatest sculptor of the 17th century, Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), redesigned the square from 1656 to 1667, under the direction of Pope Alexander VII.
更新时间:2025-03-27 23:51