one thousand six hundred and one


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Queen Elizabeth the First watched that play—Twelfth Night, on the 6th of January, 1601.
In 1601, Parliament passed an act, which aimed to provide the poor with more jobs.
Where it's actually from: Sir Francis Bacon to Sir Edward Coke in 1601 during a quarrel in a bar.
4·中国杭州市文渊路133号文渊大厦1幢1单元1601 英文全写和简写都要,谢谢了。
Room 1601, Unit 1, Building No. 1, Wenyuan Mansion, No. 133, Wenyuan Road, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, P. R.
Dutch firstly came to China in 1601 and they established the VOC ( Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) in the following year.
6·文艺复兴:(1275 ~ 1601)中世纪晚期欧洲文明中的文化运动,为古典学习和价值带来了更新后的兴趣。
Renaissance: (1275 ~ 1601) Late medieval cultural movement in Europe that brought renewed interest in Classical learning and values.
7·你好!请带我去南京西路1601 号越洋广场,大楼的进口在。
Taxi: Please take me to Park Place Office Tower, 1601 West Nanjing Road, the new office building opposite of Jing'an Temple (Entrance is at No. 1 Changde Road).
8·根据法国御医Jean heroard一丝不苟的记录,1601年出生的路易斯八世7岁前也没能洗一次澡。
According to meticulous notes kept by Jean heroard, the French court physician, the young Louis XIII, born in 1601, was not given a bath until he was almost seven.
更新时间:2025-03-29 14:14