one thousand six hundred and forty-nine


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A Voyage to the Moon, often cited as the first science fiction story, was written by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649.
1649 - King Charles I of England is beheaded.
3·1649年,另一个哥萨克探险家叶罗菲·哈巴·罗夫(Yerofei Khabarov)到达阿穆尔河。
In 1649 another Cossack adventurer, Yerofei Khabarov, came to the Amur.
Better red, white and blue on Regent Street than red blood on the paving stones, royalists have argued since 1649.
5·由于在1649年参与处死查理一世,克伦威尔死后被枭首。 他的一生饱受争议,而他身后的命运也同样谜点重重。
BEHEADED posthumously, as punishment for his part in the execution of Charles I in 1649, Oliver Cromwell's fate after death matches his grippingly controversial life.
The instrument, I might add, is the Royal Prerogative of treaty making. For the first time since 1649 the Crown makes the laws-advised, I admit, by the Prime Minister.
If Charles I owned a real Leonardo before he was executed in 1649, this means our national love affair with the Renaissance polymath has been going on for almost 400 years.
8·威斯敏斯特大厅曾用作法庭,几个有名的审判在这里进行过,包括1305年William Wallace爵士案,1606年的火药阴谋案,1649年对国王查理一世的审判。
Once used as a law court, the hall has held several notable trials, including that of Sir William Wallace (1305), the Gunpowder Plot conspirators (1606) and King Charles I (1649).
更新时间:2025-03-29 08:25