one thousand six hundred and fifty-six


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Shunzhi 13 years (1656 AD), the CD-to the state.
He would only agree to be grand vizier in 1656 at the age of 71 if he was given complete authority.
In 1656 he had founded the Stockholm Banco, a private company that intended to issue paper money, enjoying royal privileges in return for a royal cut.
Archbishop James Usher (1580 1656) published Annales Veteris et Novi Testaments in 1654, which suggested that the Heaven and the Earth were created in 4004 B.C..
5·乔·劳伦佐·贝尼尼(1598 - 1680)被公认为是17世纪最伟大的雕塑家。在教皇亚历山大七世的授意下,贝尼尼于1656年至1667年间,重新设计了梵蒂冈教堂前的广场。
The man who most consider the greatest sculptor of the 17th century, Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), redesigned the square from 1656 to 1667, under the direction of Pope Alexander VII.
The dissertation is on the study of British Jews issues between 1656 and 1858. It is based on four chapters to finding and proving the existence condition of British Jews in the period.
Thomas Blount included the word in his 1656 dictionary Glossographia saying both that it was a social division of people and that it referred to the division of students within a school;
更新时间:2025-03-26 04:22