one thousand six hundred and sixty-nine


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In 1669 Newton became professor of mathematics at Cambridge.
The element phosphorus (p) was the first to be isolated artificially in 1669.
In 1664, the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam was surrendered to the British who renamed it New York in 1669.
4·1669年 德国化学家在试图将 银改变成金时分离出的磷的发现,根本的改变了火的点燃。
Fire-lighting was revolutionised by the discovery of phosphorus, isolated in 1669 by a German alchemist trying to transmute silver into gold.
The first records that mention the prisoner are from 1669 when Louis XIV's minister placed the prisoner in the care of the governor of the prison of Pignerol.
6·著名的日记,塞缪尔·佩皮斯(发音人),一旦英格兰头”“海军,保持对1660 - 1669年期间是可用的网络博客的形式。 菲尔?。
The famous diary that Samuel Pepys (pronounced PEEPS), once the head of England's Navy, kept during the yea 1660-1669 is being made available online in the form of a weblog.
Mount Etna's most destructive eruption in history went on for four months in 1669, singeing a dozen villages, breaking through Catania's city walls, and finally steaming to a standstill in the sea.
Between 1487 and 1520, twenty editions of the Malleus were published, and another sixteen editions were published between 1574 to 1669. This book single-handedly launched centuries of witch hunts.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:44