one thousand six hundred and eighty-four


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John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, observed one in 1684, after a gap of ten years.
Not being a secretive man, he published the result in 1684, and was immediately accused of plagiarism by Newton.
3·1684年,乔瓦尼·多米尼克·卡西尼(Giovanni Domenico Cassini)发现了土星的四颗卫星,土卫四正是其中之一,卡西尼号探测器就是以他的名字命名的。
Dione was one of four Saturnian moons discovered in 1684 by Giovanni Domenico Cassini, who the spacecraft is named after.
4·傅山(1607 ~ 1684),忻州顿村人,字青主,是明末清初著名的集思想家、文学家、书画家、医学家于一身的文化奇人。
Fu Shan (1607 ~ 1684), Xinzhou Dayton village, the word green master, is the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty famous thinker, writer, painter, medical home in a cultural exotic.
5·这处设在Temple Stairs处的集市是伦敦泰晤士河冰面市场之一,也成为那个最冷的冬季(从1683年的12月份一直到1684年的2月4日)中一道独特的景观
This fair, one of several built on the frozen Thames in London during severe winters, was exceptional in that it lasted from December 1683 until 4th February 1684. Photograph: Corbis
更新时间:2025-03-09 22:34