17 21

17 21


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There were 21 votes for and 17 against the motion, with 2 abstentions.
—— 《牛津词典》
It now says preliminary totals will not begin to trickle out until Tuesday and certified final results will be released from September 17 through the 21.
Yet, if the official statistics are to be believed, the crime rate for the 21 most serious offences has actually fallen by 17%.
In 17 of the 21 countries surveyed, television was rated the number one source for finding out about new products and stores.
For men and women in their 30s, the average age was 21 but it was 17 for the 18 to 24 age group.
6·在海德拉巴以及郊区,21%的中产阶层经营着普通商店,17%经营裁缝店,8.5%经营电话亭, 8%售卖水果和蔬菜。
In Hyderabad and its environs, 21% of the middle class run general stores, 17% tailor-shops, 8.5% telephone booths and 8% sell fruit and vegetables.
Going from 17 to 21 is a much bigger change than 40 to 44.
This year's report says a typical family will spend about $221, 000 raising a child through age 17; that's 21% more than families spent the year I was born.
Volcanoes killed 17, 945 people in the same time period, and earthquakes killed 21, 856.
Exports of iron and steel products rose 21% in 2007, while imports fell 17%.
更新时间:2025-03-10 19:36