one thousand seven hundred and seventeen


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In 1717 British Captain Woodes Rogers was sent to defeat the pirates.
This fast little ship was purchased in early 1717. It had ten pieces of artillery, secured to her single gun deck.
3·它是什么- - -它开始于,第一个官方正式地采取金本位制度的国家,是英国,那时是1717年。
What it was it began the first country to adopt the gold standard officially was the United Kingdom and that was in 1717.
4·新日本成员中叶有些老企业:制造企业——小野药业,成立于1717,2000 - 2009年的利润率高达37%。
And the new Japan has some old members: Ono Pharmaceutical, a drugmaker with margins of 37% between 2000 and 2009, was founded in 1717.
Great Britain was the first country to adopt the gold standard, when the Mastet of the Mint, Sir Isaac Newton, established a fixed price for gold in 1717.
The decision to found New Orleans, or Nouvelle-Orléans, was made in Paris in 1717 by John Law's Company of the West, which had taken control of Louisiana that year.
The true gold standard, in which gold coins circulated freely as legal tender, was started in Britain in 1717 and lasted for just under 200 years, interrupted only during the Napoleonic wars.
更新时间:2025-03-26 04:22