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Girls should be over 16 with a height of at least 172 cm and boys should have a height of at least 182 cm.
Overall, 22.7 percent of the 172 children had GI problems.
3·JSR-172 为您提供了部分答案。
The JSR-172 gives you part of the answer.
4·您已经学习了JSR 172 JAX - RPC存根是如何生成的。
You have just studied the generation of a JSR 172 JAX-RPC stub.
Now look on 172. This is Sal in one of his major moments of vision.
6·JSR 172远程调用API包括下面这些包。
The JSR 172 remote invocation API consists of the following packages.
172 other members of Mr Chen's family are scattered across Lesotho, too.
In his new book Mr Sageman's sample of militants has grown from 172 to 500.
He flew a pea-green Cessna 172 from Rialto Municipal in Southern California.
The United States spends $172 billion a year to care for people with Alzheimer’s.