one thousand seven hundred and twenty


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In the 1720's, diamonds were discovered in Brazil.
1720 - Sweden and Prussia sign the Treaty of Stockholm.
3·费用:头等 双人铺位 1720美元;二等 875美元 ;三等 405美元
Cost: 1st Class two-berth US$1720; 2nd Class US$875; 3rd Class US$405
From 1720 to 1732 he was in London, where for a time his popularity rivaled Handel's.
Gabriel Mathieu DE Clieu was a French naval officer serving in 14 Martinique who in 1720, went to Paris on leave.
6·如需详细资讯,到黑莓的技术解决方案中心和搜寻'黑莓桌面管理器安装错误1720 '。
For more info go to the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center and search for 'BlackBerry Desktop Manager Installation Error 1720'.
In his "golden age" of violin-making, between 1700 and 1720, Stradivari developed a flatter design that helped to project the sound.
In 1720, after having wreaked havoc throughout the Caribbean for more than a year, Jack's ship was captured by a British Navy sloop.
The millennium boom exceeds anything in Britains economic history, including the railway boom of the 1840s and the South Sea bubble of 1720.
10·就连一些并不贵重的物品,如一部大约1720年包含5张地图的地图集,期望售价约为150美元,最终却得到了2 960美元的拍卖价。
But even modest pieces, like a collection of five maps, circa 1720, that had been expected to go for perhaps $150, ending up fetching $2, 960.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:18