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English usage dates to at least 1734.
Vampire: First known use of the word 'vampire' in 1734.
Other works include "Causes of Rise and Fall of Rome" (1734).
Born in Pennsylvania in 1734, Daniel Boone moved with his family to the North Carolina frontier as a youth.
5·1734年, 查尔斯选择醒目的山顶作为新皇宫的基址, 他是那不勒斯的第一个波旁国王.
The striking hilltop site for a new royal palace was chosen in 1734 by Charles, the first Bourbon king of Naples.
Daniel Boone (1734-1820) is the most widely known of American frontiersmen. Daniel Boone is the most widely known of American frontiersmen.
It has three major performing venues: the Concert Hall, the Grand Theatre and the Studio Theatre with seating capacities of 2085, 1734 and 534 respectively.
Man has always dreamed of building"thinking machines". In 1770, Wolfgang Kempelen(1734―1804)built a wooden robot called Turk that was able to play chess(SUR).
9·1734年, 查尔斯选择醒目的山顶作为新皇宫的基址, 他是那不勒斯的第一个波旁国王。 环绕四周的树林正好配合他对打猎的热情;
The striking hilltop site for a new royal palace was chosen in 1734 by Charles, the first Bourbon king of Naples. Its wooded surroundings suited his passion for hunting;
Methods: Honggang District, Daqing City, two communities 3524 Ranghulu area residents over the age of 40 subjects, male 1790, female 1734 people, fill out a questionnaire form.