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Inheriting New England's strongest traditions, Abigail Smith was born in 1744 at Weymouth, Massachusetts.
In 1744 a conference was held in London and standards for doctrine, liturgy and discipline were adopted.
Unfortuately, in the 8th Year of Qianlong Emperor of Qing Dynasty (1744), not long after the founding, Jiang Shixiong died.
In September 1744, the First Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia which encouraged American to refuse to buy British goods.
5·如果在 Notes.ini 文件中配置 ConstrainedSHMSizeMB= 1744 并将 dataseg 设置为 3(数据段的数量),那么会得到下表中列出的结果。
If you configure ConstrainedSHMSizeMB= 1744 in the Notes.ini file and set the dataseg used to 3 (the number of data segments), you may find the following results in this table.