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He signed a contract in June 1746 but the dictionary did not appear until 1755.
In 1746 Samuel Johnson wrote out a plan for how he was going to produce his dictionary.
Since 1746, Princeton University(PU)is the fourth university in American history. She is one of 8 members of Ivy League Universities.
Here is one in a series of "cool guys on white horses" ads (1956), and one highlighting that the company has been in business since 1746.
The concept-Marine Insurance, was originally found in "Marine Insurance Act 1746". And, the scholars at that time merely viewed it as Title.
Insurable interest originated from Marine insurance and was first established in the form of law by the Marine insurance Act 1746 of England.
7·1746年,杜兰尼帝国(Durrani Empire)成立阿富汗民族国家,但是到1919年Amanullah国王即位时,主权割让给了英国。
The Afghanistan nation-state came into existence in 1746 under the Durrani Empire, but control was ceded to Britain until King Amanullah ascended to the throne in 1919.
George Washington called gambling "the child of avarice, the brother of iniquity and the father of mischief", but Benjamin Franklin organised a lottery in Philadelphia in 1746.