one thousand seven hundred and fifty-one


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From 1751 onwards, the Hall was used exclusively to pray for good harvests at the winter solstice.
2·这本出版于1751年的小册子名为《国民思考》(National Thoughts),署名为“一位庄园主”,以此强调了他是在反对自身的利益。
The pamphlet, "National Thoughts" (1751), was signed"By a Landowner" to emphasize this point of arguing against his ownsubsidy.[1]
He had been experimenting with electricity, and in 1751 had published a paper saying that electricity and lightning were the same thing.
4·— 华盛顿唯一一次出国是在1751年陪身患结核病的哥哥到巴巴罗伦斯。
The only time Washington traveled out of the country was to Barbados in 1751 with his brother Lawrence who was suffering from tuberculosis.
5·结果表明,4种丁基橡胶产品的性能基本相当,IIR - 1751完全可以用于生产轮胎内胎。
The results showed that the properties of 4 kinds of butyl rubber are similar, and IIR-1751 can absolutely be used to make inner tube of tyre.
A village of southeast-central England west of London. It is generally considered to be the setting for Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (published 1751).
7·总部设在联合王国诺丁汉的英国地质勘探局的一位地震专家Richard Luckett说,从1751年以来,这个体系从来没有发生过类似强度的地面震动。
That system has not produced a quake of similar magnitude since 1751, says Richard Luckett, a seismologist at the British Geological Survey, which is headquartered near Nottingham, UK.
更新时间:2025-03-10 04:58