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1804 - French rule ends in Haiti.
Since 1804 the country has mostly been ruled by tyrants.
3·路德维希·费尔巴哈(1804 - 7 2)是最重要的青年黑格尔派。
Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-72) was the most important of the Young Hegelians.
4·伊曼纽尔·康德(1724 - 1804)是一位很有革新精神而且具有影响力的哲学家。
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was an immensely innovative and influential philosopher.
5·列车空调的测试标准主要有TB/T 1804-2003和IEC 61373-1999,但这两种标准在试验目的、试验方法等方面都有着很大的不同。
The vibration test standards for train air-conditioning units are mainly TB/T 1804-2003 and IEC 61373-1999.
Amantine (Paris, 1 July 1804 —8 June 1876), best known by her pseudonym George Sand, was a French novelist and memoirist.
And in 1804, the score of the song appeared in the book "A Travelogue from China", written by British diplomat John Bellow.
The most likely first steam operated conveyor belt was set into operation in 1804 by the British Navy to produce ship's biscuits.
Johann Senior (1804-1849), sometimes called the Elder or the Father of the Waltz, dreamed from childhood of being a coffee-house musician.
The mechanical dimensions and tolerances of this series of motors conform with the China national standard GB1800-1804 and the ISO standard.