2 4

2 4


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So try 2 4, 6, 8 and that's good right?
Just to give you an example, here's one list, 1 2 4 30 3121724 here's another list, 12430.
The gain is reckoned at 2-4% for every 100-point increase in a school's average SAT scores.
Gradually, though, the rhombus was tipped a little more, until 3-1-2-1-3 became 4-2-4, the system with which Brazil won the World Cup in 1958.
5·(在AIX V5.3上是从1到131072). partition_size变量必须是2的幂(例如,1、2、4、8)。
(it's 1 through 131072 for AIX V5.3.) The partition_size variable must be equal to a power of 2 (for example: 1, 2, 4, 8).
6·这就说明了在第二行中为什么得到了0,- 2,- 4,- 6,…这样的序列。
So, this explains how you get the 0, -2, -4, -6,... sequence in the second row.
7·目标能否通过一系列(2 - 4个)的每日或每周的行动来实现?
Can the goal be accomplished with a series (2-4) of daily or weekly actions?
A single skin lesion develops at the point of entry of the bacterium after 2–4 weeks. Without treatment, multiple lesions appear all over the body.
9·然后,请遵循自底向上方法中的步骤 2-4。
Then, Steps 2-4 of the bottom-up method are used.
10·自动化测试会导致前期成本增加,我们应当把它当做一项长期投资,等到2 ~ 4年左右的时候,就可以见到成效。
Automated testing involves higher upfront costs and should be looked at as a long-term investment where the pay-offs come anywhere between 2-4 years down the road.
更新时间:2025-03-26 15:46